Thursday, April 2, 2015

Story Time Success Story: Hooray for Hoppy!

Hooray for Hoppy!, written and illustrated by Tim Hopgood.  Spring has finally sprung and this enthusiastic story perfectly captures the excitement of the season while, ta da, also serving as an effective concept book about the five senses.  The fun, colorful illustrations introduce Hoppy, a grey rabbit with a heart-shaped nose who eagerly hops outside to see if winter has ended.  The first two treks out of his hole have him running right back to bed because it's still too cold and too icy.  However, on the third attempt, Hoppy deliriously discovers a warm yellow sun and fresh air making his nose twitch with happiness.  Could it be?  Could it be that Spring has finally arrived?  The rabbit runs down the hill and then uses his five senses to determine that yes! yes!  it certainly has!  Each one of the spreads demonstrating the five senses comes with a "Hooray" that the children in story time love shouting along with Hoppy.  "Hooray! said Hoppy, as he heard the birds singing."  Hopgood brings it all to a beautiful close with the bunny suddenly feeling lonely because none of his rabbit friends are around--nothing a loud stomping rabbit foot on the ground can't fix!  The end matter does an excellent job going over what we all have learned about the five senses.  Educational cuteness at its best and most satisfying.

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